AC: It's the game.
AC: These are the people we are going to be with while playing the game.
AC: That's why the memo was made.
PS: oh, is that rlly it?
PS: a hell of a mystery that was!
PS: much obliged tho, dont think i dont appreciate these tidbits
AC: It wouldn't be a mystery for long regardless.
AC: We would have seen a pattern thanks to the emails sent.
AC: Hopefully we are not stuck with any maniacs playing the game along with us.
PS: maybe like... one good maniac?
PS: maniacs add spice, cmon
AC: Spice that can lead to failure or even death.
AC: But we will just see about it.
AC: Hopefully if there is one, we can get them under control before anything awful happens.
PS: dont sell urself short, compeer
PS: one or two wonky cogs in the machine arent gonna throw us that bad, folks need resistance to keep sharp
AC: I suppose I have to trust you on that.
AC: We will just have to see how this plays out.
AC: It's exciting in a way.
AC: I have been looking forward to this for a while now.
AC: I want to find out why a game that hasn't had any information come out about it is so praised already by a handful of strangers online.
PS: i mean, people tend to ride hard just to seem cool and in the loop
PS: bandwagoning is the true oldest profession
AC: That's true.
AC: We just have to judge it ourselves.
PS: indeed
> ======>
Written:29/03/2022 Uploaded:04/03/2025