-- ardentCreator [AC] has become active --
AC: Hello everyone.
SO: A new face joins the confusion. Hello AC.
AC: Hello SO.
AC: So there's confusion going around I assume.
-- pardiSpinback [PS] has become active --
SO: You would assume correct, but I think that’s the understatement of the century. Should we go round robin and introduce ourselves?
SO: Is that too elementary school?
AC: No, that sounds like a good idea.
AC: If you are not comfortable providing a name, you are welcomed to give us a nickname instead.
PS: i love name circles, lets get to know each other better fr
PS: ill go first, dw
PS: im called pashmina, pash for short
PS: v nice to make your acquaintance
EL: you all can just call me AB
EL: not like it makes much a difference ;P
AC: I just go by AC.
AC: Hence the handle.
SO: Mmm. I guess I can go next.
SO: I don’t have any nicknames. Anyone I’ve talked to has just mentioned my handle. I don’t really mind either way.
PS: i mean valid, but it always felt weird to just call ppl handle names
PS: ill nickname you yet, when tha inspiration strikes you will b the very first to know
AC: I would rather stick to my handle as I barely know some of these people.
AC: But if you prefer a nickname then I will go with Z.
-- minstrelMinuet [MM] is now active --
MM: heck
MM: what's this all about?
EL: sooooo theres this game that everyones crazy about right now
EL: we all got put here as beta testers of it and junk
PS: introductions! they r mandatory and i WILL b policing this memo like a tyrant abt them
-- clutterBug [CB] has become active --
CB: a memo?? :00
CB: hi everyone!!
CB: are we doing introductions?
CB: you can all just call me bug!
CB: I dont like to give my name out online :)
MM: call me minstrel or something
MM: tbh I'm not of giving away my identity to some randoms on the internet
MM: no ofense
MM: What are we playing tho? amogus? jackbox?
EL: its a game about suburban life i think?
EL: but spelled like somebody forgot half the alphabet
EL: like that one rpg from way way back, earthboon or whatever
-- viralVice [VV] has become active --
VV: why are we talking about earthbound.
VV: obviously the game were playing is terraria.
VV: or smth idfk.
VV: anyway no nickname or name for me.
VV: just use my chumhandle.
EL: im gonna call you vivi :3
VV: sure whatever.
PS: hmmm yes excellent, introductionings are going well
PS: tho intros are usually predicated on tha expectation that u then proceed to talk
MM: I don't talk, I let my guitar do the speaking
MM: that said wanna hear my latest tune?
PS: hell yeah, lets hear it
-- minstrelMinuet [MM] shared sdasdghsaj.mp3 --
MM: by yours trully baby!
MM: it's a wip tho...
PS: that goes p hard, tbh!
PS: most of the stuff i play is on the keys, always on that classical type beat
VV: hey has anyone else gotten their package.
VV: bc i did.
AC: I just received it.
SO: I got it today. I haven’t fully opened it yet, but I’m planning on it eventually.
CB: not yet!!!
CB: but Im really excited for this game!!! :D
CB: were we really the only ones who got it? :000
CB: ah, hold on!
-- clutterBug [CB] went idle! --
AC: That's what we've been told in the email.
> ==>
Written:30/03/2022 Uploaded:04/03/2025