-- spectralOrganism [SO] has become active --
SO: Hello. What is going on?
EL: ...spectral? like ghosts?
SO: Ah yes, did no one tell you? I am here to haunt your libraries and make a ruckus.
EL: :/
SO: But really. Is this about that game beta?
EL: wait beta game?
EL: i feel like id remember something about that
SO: Uh, did you not get the email? The one with suspiciously happy wording and little context?
SO: Seriously, drones? Couldn't they use a mail truck like normal people do? That little thing is gonna have quite the time getting to my mailbox.
EL: oh my god, its just come back to me
EL: they deliver via drones?
SO: Ah. Do some of you... know each other?
EL: yeah i know people!
EL: like beach boy over here, hes a sweetiepie
EL: AC is a cool guy as well... we talk alot and play games together all the time
EL: oh! and also my bestie is here :)
EL: shes a little shy though... so i will not try and pry her out here
SO: I would assume I am the exception rather than the example then. I do not see anyone here that I recognize by handle, at least.
> ======>SO: Hello. What is going on?
EL: ...spectral? like ghosts?
SO: Ah yes, did no one tell you? I am here to haunt your libraries and make a ruckus.
EL: :/
SO: But really. Is this about that game beta?
EL: wait beta game?
EL: i feel like id remember something about that
SO: Uh, did you not get the email? The one with suspiciously happy wording and little context?
SO: Seriously, drones? Couldn't they use a mail truck like normal people do? That little thing is gonna have quite the time getting to my mailbox.
EL: oh my god, its just come back to me
EL: they deliver via drones?
SO: Ah. Do some of you... know each other?
EL: yeah i know people!
EL: like beach boy over here, hes a sweetiepie
EL: AC is a cool guy as well... we talk alot and play games together all the time
EL: oh! and also my bestie is here :)
EL: shes a little shy though... so i will not try and pry her out here
SO: I would assume I am the exception rather than the example then. I do not see anyone here that I recognize by handle, at least.