
It's just another beautiful day in Hawaii. The temperature is wonderful for playing outdoors. In fact, that's exactly what this young boy is doing. However, instead of playing, he’s actually training with a sword against some dressed up training dummy. Though there's a question that everyone has heard before. And that question is...

What is his name?

==> Conan the Barbarian

That's... That's not even remotely close. This kid isn't even dressed like a barbarian! Try again!

==> Marth Lowell

Unfortunately, Zeke doesn't know video games well enough to know who that is. Try again.

==> thank you for giving the first name away. Zeke Gryffon.

Ah, can't blame him for that, he's too focused on his training right now.

Anyways, correct, his name is Zeke Gryffon. He currently lives in a house in Hawaii with his Mother. His home is decently sized for what it is. There's a great backyard for sword training and keeping in shape. Though, he does have hobbies besides training. To start off, Zeke's into computer software, drawing, studying, specific games, and swordsman training. Oh, suppose that one is an outlier

Computer software is his latest hobby. He's still a lot more room for improvement but he can still create basic programs. He can also examine and understand what each line of code usually does. He's written programs and websites already but they are still basic. It's a tough learning process.

Drawing and studying go hand in hand. He studies for school and to improve his drawing. He uses the sketches he makes to create new swords to add into his collection. Recently he made a new sword he's quite proud of.

Specific games. He enjoys very specific games. The list consist of Minecraft, Terraria, Stardew Valley, Dark Souls, and some others that won't be named for now.

Lastly, swordsman training. This is what Zeke spends most of his days doing. He does enjoy it a lot. His mom keeps telling him that studying the way of the sword is more important than anything else. Yet, this is a world where people have guns, swords won't do much. Maybe if he had a sword that was also a gun? If only magic was real, then it'd be easier to use some magical sword instead of a gun. He's tried to make one before but his mom wouldn't allow such "foolishness". He's still trying to gather the pieces for one behind her back. He will get a sword that's a gun one day.

Anyways his hobbies are weird mix for sure but this is due to his love for picking up new hobbies once he masters a previous one. Until then, what is there to do next?

> Go inside and play minecraft with a friend!
Written:12/03/2022 Uploaded:24/07/2023