~~ unknownAgent [UA] has left the memo "Friendship Magic" ~~
-- crypticPerjurer [CP] has become active --
CP: What's this?
-- extravagantLass [EL] has become active --
EL: huh? whats all this
EL: wait a second
EL: beach boy?? what are you doing here?
EL: actually wait a second who are all of these people
CP: Hi EL!
CP: and I have no clue
EL: damn
CP: exactly!

You watch these texts unroll with grand curiosity.

A name sticks out, amongst all of the unfamiliar faces.

======> Initiate contact with him

-- pardiSpinback [PS] began pestering ardentCreator [AC] --

PS: greetings n salutations, homeboy
PS: pray tell, whats up w u today?
PS: my dude, my guy, my droog, my slime
PS: have u seen the memo???
PS: incredibly new development but i spotted ur handle in there and was wondering if u knew anything more than i
AC: Hello.
AC: Nothing is up besides the usual training.
AC: I hope all is good in your case.
AC: As for the memo, I just received the notification for it.
AC: This is the first I'm hearing about this memo.
AC: It's a mystery to me.
PS: well, we have a real query on our hands then
PS: ion know abt you, but i am incredibly eager to get to the very bottom of this nonsense already
AC: Understanding the origins of this memo would be nice.
AC: It is most likely a bunch of mutual friends adding each other for the sake of having a large memo.
AC: Who knows.
PS: *we will*, we will know man